(event special - regular Investment $247)


When you commit to being your highest expression and to your highest soul level work,
aligned with the highest good of all involved, life conspires to support you.

When you choose to live on purpose and prosperously, as a new earth leader,
you become a conscious creator of the new paradigm.

When you create from a reality beyond fear, scarcity, lack, doubt, not enough, shame, and guilt about who we are and what we desire...

And instead create from vision, intention, focus
and devotion to your divinity,
as expression of the new human experience,
you create at the level of Feminine Prosperity Frequency.

Feminine Prosperity Frequency is available to all, only those who are ready to claim their power as divine creators are available for it.

Join me in this 3 part alignment experience to draw upon the
3 archetypal energies of the Feminine Prosperity Frequency.

Begin to align with the frequency of the prosperity for the new world.

There are 3 specific archetypal energies that support the layers of Feminine Prosperity Frequency,
Maiden, Mother, and Enchanters.

Each of these archetypes has the shadow side and the gift side.
There is a higher level of understanding each of them and applying their gifts as they awaken in your being.

In the 3 Part Alignment Experience we will discover how each one of these archetypes supports our alignment, how to use each of them for where you are right now, and to support you in creating where you are going, as sovereign, divine creator in, and of the new world.



This archetypal energy sources the foundation for what you are creating.

Call upon your Highest Self, your Divinity to support you in courageously embarking on the next level of your experience as a divine creator.

Activate the codes of your prosperity in the new paradigm, as sovereign being.



Life force seeks expansion through all life on Earth,
including you.

Identify the nourishment you require as you expand
your impact with your Highest Soul Level work.

Clear blocks to receiving the next level of your expansion and activate this archetype to create the correct conditions for your prosperity.



This archetypal energy evokes the support from unseen forces, as you assimilate into
your new frequency.

Learn to trust the magic you are here to channel through your being and contribute at this time, for humanity.

Unapologetically and fiercely stand for your creation, your desire and your prosperity.

When you ALIGN with Feminine Prosperity Frequency ...

You will raise the standards of what you are willing to tolerate in your life,
your business, your world. By raising your standards you allow only what serves your highest expression in all areas if life.

You become "I AM PROSPERITY" feminine prosperity frequency within,
and without.

New Earth is a creation through you being who you came here to be,
fully self expressed, living on purpose and being prosperous.

As you become conscious fertile ground for the birthing of your soul's work in the physical, open to serve those who are waiting for you.

You open to receive exactly what you need to be your highest version of who you are, divine, abundant, multidimensional being, here on earth at this time, by choice.

This experience is for you if you are ready to stand in responsibility for what you are creating
and the impact you are here to make.

It is for you if you are ready to
strip the old paradigms from your being
and become the creator and receiver of the new paradigm.

This is for you are ready to
claim the next level of prosperity in your life.

Finally, this is for you if you are willing to be, do and have whatever it takes to own your role
as a prosperous being, at this time.

If you are ready to be an active, contributing creator of your experience so it benefits the whole...

(event special - regular Investment $247)




I guide spiritual women entrepreneurs in creating sacred success, through a holistic approach to creating a life, work and contribution that raise consciousness. In alignment with their highest purpose and divine prosperity.

After creating "traditional success" in life and having it "disappear" for the 3rd time, I decided to put all my focus and energy into discovering, and living my soul purpose, co-creating my success with the Source.

Along the way I immersed herself in numerous spiritual, metaphysical, mind, and body modalities, bringing it all together to guide women into living their Sacred Success.

I am devoted to creating a world of harmony, unity, purpose, and prosperity, within and without, for all of life and through new earth leaders.