Lila Veronica

"Your body is directly related to your prosperity."

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Lila Veronica

Author, Speaker, Coach

Lila Veronica is an author, international speaker, business coach and yoga instructor. As a former professor, Lila brings a combination of intellect, embodiment and spirituality to her programs, events, book and speeches.

  She equips people with the tools they need to increase their self-worth, elevate their net worth and truly embody their truest essence. With gratitude for technology, Lila works with clients all around the world in her online programs, group coaching, live retreats and elite 1:1 coaching program. 

She's on a mission to support personal empowerment and is committed to being a beacon for global awakening. She has a chihuahua named Speedy that keeps her company in Colorado.  


Copyright © 2020 With Soul, LLC. Anna Kowalska. Purpose & Prosperity Coach/Mentor, Scientific Hand Analyst.