Ariella Indigo

"Redefining Leadership"

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Ariella Indigo


My personal journey into unlocking success took me from being a high flying 6 figure business manager working for blue-chip corporates, to ‘exiting the matrix’ after having a profound awakening experience and then choosing to live in a caravan (trailer) in a bankrupt state for 2.5 years while I followed by intuition to connect with my purpose.

My mission took off in 2017 and since then I’ve been decoding and recoding personal and business blueprints which resulted in me creating my first $1m in less than 2 years. I’ve since gone on to create more and have helped others to do the same!

I have the great honour of helping our next generation of leaders come home to their true selves so together we can shift into the next evolution of consciousness.

Copyright © 2022 With Soul, LLC. Anna Kowalska. Purpose, Prosperity & Leadership Coach.